Mark Thatcher and his twin sister Carol are 63 years old (born August 15, 1953).
Carol Thatcher and her twin brother Mark are 63 years old (born August 15, 1953)
carol and mark
Two, a boy and a girl, Carol and Mark.
Margaret Thatcher was born on October 13, 1925 in Grantham has 1 son named Mark and a daughter name Carol. Both of which has their mothers last name of Thatcher. More information on Margaret Thatcher can be found on her bio page at IMDB. Below under related links is the direct link to IMDB bio page of Margaret Thatcher.
Carol Thatcher was born on 1953-08-15.
Mark and Carol Thatcher was born on August 15, 1953.
Margaret Thatcher's husband, Denis Thatcher, died in 2003. Carol and Mark, her twins, were born in 1953.
Her late husband, Sir Denis Thatcher (10 May 1915 - 26 June 2003) She had twins. A boy and a girl. The Girl being The Honourable Carol Thatcher and Sir Mark Thatcher (Born 15 august 1953) Mark Thatcher has children.
Carol and Mark are both alive and well.
They are 63 years old. Carol and Mark Thatcher are twins, born on August 15, 1953.
Mark Thatcher and his twin sister Carol are 63 years old (born August 15, 1953).
Carol Thatcher and her twin brother Mark are 63 years old (born August 15, 1953)
carol and mark
Yes, Carol and Mark Thatcher are twins.
No Margaret Thatcher does not live in Jamaica, and if the question refers to Margaret Hilda Thatcher, she isn't living period.
The subject of Carol Thatcher's 2007 book, subtitled "Forty Years Famous," is her mother, former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. The book explores Margaret Thatcher's life and career, reflecting on her forty years in the public eye.