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Actually, the ones the girl before said were NOT his sunglasses. If you look around, I found some exactly like his for $10 at Walmart! they are not online buyable (my word) though.

I recently found some white sunglasses that Joe and Nick (he has them in red) have and they wear at the beginning of there concerts at times, at Urban Outfitters, they were $22 dollars. but still very cool.


They're Ray Bans, you can get them from like the Sunglass Hut or Lenscrafters, somewhere that sells designers sunglasses.

real answer:

They are Ray Ban sunglasses. NOT from Walmart! Ray Ban Wayfarer 2140 is the official name. Nick has this exact brand in red and Joe has them in many colors, but his favorite is his white pare. Here is the link to the website where you can buy them:

Hi i have seen a newer phopto with Joe Jonas wearing black and orange Ray-Ban wayfarers! again NOT from walmart! there is a link on there to buy them:

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15y ago
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15y ago

Hmm I don't Know umm maybe Rayben are you that stupid

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13y ago

There are lots of places he gets them like American Eagle Outfitters, Old Navy.

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16y ago

Most of their glasses are Raybans so wherever you would buy ray bans

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16y ago

You can get Joe's white sunglasses and Nick's red sunglasses are available at BlueBee yeah they're RayBan so just look for a place that sells designer sunglasses and BAM. there ya go.

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15y ago

you get them at your nearest rayban store or

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16y ago

idk for sure but Nick glasses might be ray-bans, but they sell the same glasses (or look alikes) at urban outfitters of 15 bucks

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13y ago

Oakley is the brand of sunglasses he wears.

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13y ago

He gets them at Bj's in Parkland Florida

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