He was in mindless behavior
Ray Ray from Mindless Behavior is a Capricorn.
ray ray from mindless behavior weigh aout 128 pounds
mindless and smart
R R in mindless behavior stands for Ray Ray
Ray Ray from Mindless Behavior's signature look is goggles, 2 braids (on left & right) and maybe a domo =)
ray ray@mindless behavior
He was in mindless behavior
Ray Ray from Mindless Behavior is a Capricorn.
Ray Ray from Mindless Behavior
Prodigy's is his glasses Princeton's is the peace sign Roc's is his hat Ray's is his goggles and his two braids
Ray Ray from Mindless Behavior is in the 10th grade
yes ray ray and the middle boy ARE mindless behavior
Ray ray's eyes from mindless behavior are the color brown.
ray ray from mindless behavior weigh aout 128 pounds
does ray ray from mindless behavior have a facebook?yes ray ray from mindles behavior heave facebookmindless behaviorthat is his facebook