If you live in the US you can get it from longboardskater.com, motionboardshop.com, daddiesboardshop.com, and many more.
Why do boys like girls? Why do girls like boys?
they are like normal boys but have amazing voices, hair, bodies, and looks.
Boys are just crazy and unpredictable!!
There are probably alot of boys that like you! Boys are just weird. They are nervous to talk to us girls and most of the time when they're mean to you they aren't really trying to be mean they just like you! I would suggest reading the book boys are from mars and girs are from venus. That will explain why boys are so weird around us girls
yes boys like milk
It depends on your riding style, but for a Loaded board, I'd suggest something like Paris brand longboard trucks or Randal brand longboard trucks.
loose trucks and a wide board
longboard races
The shape of a longboard was invented before but the trucks and wheels were small like those of a skateboard. Early boards didn't have pop.
VOLADOR 42inch Freeride Longboard. Playshion Drop Through Longboard Cruiser. Magneto Bamboo Longboards. JUCKER HAWAII Original Longboard. Slendor Longboard 42 inch Drop Through. Landyachtz Switch Longboard Complete and Colors.
bend your knees just like a regular board
The current land speed record for a longboard is held by Mischo Erban, who reached a speed of 95.83 mph on a longboard in Quebec, Canada in 2012.
If your looking a longboard that does some tricks then findone that have a design like a skateboard so you can do tricksthat are more simple but if you are looking for a longboardthat can do things like varials then there isn't one that exists.
There seems to be good reviews for the Santa Cruz Stormtrooper longboard. Many who have purchased this and tried it out have said they really like it and it is better than other boards they have had.
somthing like a original apex 37
There is no best or worst Sector 9 longboard, or any longboard for that matter. This answer is all about preference and riding style. If you are into downhill the best board will be different from someone into carving. I am personally into downhill and I like the new Sector 9 Downhill Division boards, they are really nice.