No, Breaking Benjamin is from Pennsylvania, USA.
The band 'Breaking Benjamin' was created in 1998.
Breaking Benjamin
Breaking Benjamin was formed in 1998 by vocalist Benjamin Burnley and drummer Jeremy Hummel.
No, Breaking Benjamin does not have a song titled 'Disappear'.
Lyrics to the song Breaking Benjamin by Firefly can be found on a website which is called A-Z Lyrics. They can also be found on the website called eLyrics.
Breaking Benjamin was created in 1998.
No, Breaking Benjamin is from Pennsylvania, USA.
No. Breaking Benjamin is from the United States.
The band 'Breaking Benjamin' was created in 1998.
Breaking Benjamin
Breaking Benjamin just recently released their fourth studio album "Dear Agony."
There isn't a song with that title by Breaking Benjamin.
The band was formed in 1998, and their first album was released in 2002.
Aaron Fink plays the guitar from Breaking Benjamin.
Breaking Benjamin was formed in 1998 by vocalist Benjamin Burnley and drummer Jeremy Hummel.
No, Breaking Benjamin does not have a song titled 'Disappear'.