You can buy a used Gibson Guitar Amplifier at Guitar Center, in their used gear section. These Amplifiers can be very pricey, because they can be collectors items, costing from around $149 to more than $2000.
Musicians Buy Line and Amazon both have guitar amplifiers available for purchase, though not all are available at storefront locations. While Sears, Best Buy, and Radioshack have storefronts that offer selections of power amplifiers commonly.
You can no longer buy a Tronical PowerTune as an aftermarket addition to your guitar. Gibson signed an exclusivity contract a few years ago, so you will have to find someone selling an old PowerTune if you want one (or buy a new Robot Guitar from Gibson).
You can go to target or whatever and buy a fake one with their picture on it, You can get some on eBay but you can't get a guitar that Jonas brothers used unless you got one at a concert. But they usually use Gibson guitar picks so you could just buy one of those if that's what you wanted.
It's the original neck, but Gibson's got a couple lines of guitars they make to sell to places like Best Buy, and Genre is one of them. It will be better than a Chinese No Name guitar but not nearly as nice as a music store Gibson.
You purchase a guitar pack at a local guitar retailer such as Guitar Center or most stores that sell a variety of musical instruments. Many manufacturers such as Gibson allow you to buy directly from the company as well.
There are many places one can buy a Gibson Maeastro guitar. Some places one can buy them from stores such as BestBuy. Alternatively, one can purchase them online from Guitarcentre or Amazon.
Musicians Buy Line and Amazon both have guitar amplifiers available for purchase, though not all are available at storefront locations. While Sears, Best Buy, and Radioshack have storefronts that offer selections of power amplifiers commonly.
Gibson guitars can be very expensive. If you are looking for a cheaper guitar you can check places like or If you are willing to pay a large amount of cash, you can check or other guitar suppliers.
You can no longer buy a Tronical PowerTune as an aftermarket addition to your guitar. Gibson signed an exclusivity contract a few years ago, so you will have to find someone selling an old PowerTune if you want one (or buy a new Robot Guitar from Gibson).
The easiest way to get an authentic Gibson guitar is to go straight to the source. Go to an authorized Gibson dealer, you can find a list on You could also buy directly from the company at the same site, but you will be buying sight unseen and exchanging the guitar would be difficult if it's not what was wanted.
You can go to target or whatever and buy a fake one with their picture on it, You can get some on eBay but you can't get a guitar that Jonas brothers used unless you got one at a concert. But they usually use Gibson guitar picks so you could just buy one of those if that's what you wanted.
There are many places one might purchase a Gibson Les Paul Goldtop guitar. In addition to a local music shop, one might also purchase a guitar from the eBay website.
It's the original neck, but Gibson's got a couple lines of guitars they make to sell to places like Best Buy, and Genre is one of them. It will be better than a Chinese No Name guitar but not nearly as nice as a music store Gibson.
Soldano is a company that manufactures amplifiers for use with guitars. Their products can be purchased at music stores such as Guitar Center and Musician's Friend.
One can purchase a Gibson guitar, whether it be an acoustic version or the electric version at any music store that is reputable dealer of gibson guitars, at local pawn shops, and at trade shows.
eBay and Amazon are excellent choices when looking to purchase a used guitar. Buy Used Buy Cheaper and Music 123 are also both options when looking to buy a used guitar.