The Night Has a Thousand Eyes - jazz standard - was created in 1948.
The Night Has a Thousand Eyes - song - was created in 1962.
Midnight in Her Eyes was created in 2003.
Evil Eyes was created in 2004.
Behind Hazel Eyes was created in 2004.
Through Alien Eyes was created in 1999.
Night Has a Thousand Eyes was created on 1948-10-13.
The Night Has a Thousand Eyes - song - was created in 1962.
The duration of Night Has a Thousand Eyes is 1.35 hours.
Night Eyes was created in 1990.
Eyes in the Night was created on 1942-10-16.
The Night Has Eyes was created on 1942-06-01.
The Thousand Eyes of Dr. Mabuse was created on 1960-09-14.
I do not think so. This is because the sentence says that it "has" eyes not that it "is" eyes. This would actually be an example of personification since the 'night' is being given a humanly trait.
Night Has a Thousand Eyes - 1948 is rated/received certificates of: Finland:K-16 Sweden:15 USA:Approved (PCA #12609) West Germany:16
The Night has a 1000 (Thousand) Eyes.
The Night has a 1000 (Thousand) Eyes.
The Wild Wild West - 1965 The Night of a Thousand Eyes 1-6 was released on: USA: 22 October 1965