Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae was created in 1954.
KKJA was created in 2008.
Elachista berndtiella was created in 1985.
Papilio erskinei was created in 1886.
Banjo uke was created in 1917.
Acta Zoologica Mexicana was created in 1955.
Unione Zoologica Italiana was created in 1900.
Acta Zoologica Bulgarica was created in 1949.
Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae was created in 1954.
Karl Josef Partsch has written: 'Die Zoologische Station in Neapel' -- subject(s): Stazione zoologica di Napoli
La Stazione was created in 1870.
La Stazione ended in 1958.
that's a railway station (stazione ferrovia)
La stazione - 1990 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:13 Australia:M Italy:T Sweden:15
The Stazione Restaurant is located in Cambridge, near the Central Station. It is a restaurant and Coffee bar and has one of the highest ratings of a restaurant in Cambridge.
In Rome, Italy, Roma Termini is the main railway station. In Italian, it's called the Stazione Termini or Stazione di Roma Termini.
"Train station" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase "stazione ferroviaria."Specifically, the feminine noun "stazione" means "station." The feminine adjective "ferroviaria" means "railway, relating to trains." The pronunciation is "stah-TSYOH-neh FEHR-roh-VYAH-ryah."