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Joe Jonas birthday is May 2nd 1987.................

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16y ago

because his family never tald him. from mily to joe

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How do you get an invisible nick in chat?

get joe jonases hotmail and ask him

Who are Jonases friends in The Giver?

Asher and Fiona

What is nick jonases favriote coloer?


What is nick jonases favorite drink?

Diet coke.

Your friend has this obsession with Joe Jonas what do you do?

Buy them a poster of Joe for their birthday.

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Dumb and Dumber.:)

Who is joe jonases lookalike?

the best person i can think of is david achuletta

Who was joe jonases latest girlfriend?

Amelia Aye is his ex girlfriend.

Joe Jonases favorite actor?

Jim Carey I think.. XD.

How do you get an invisible nick in chat?

get joe jonases hotmail and ask him

What is joe jonases fav food?

it is chicken sandwich so basically chicken

When is Frankie jonases birthday?

august 30th he was 7 now as of yesturday he is 8!!