2008 was pjanoo (piano)
Eric Prydz is Call on Me
* Pjanno by Eric Prydz * Poppiholla by Chicane
Pjano - Eric Prydz? maybe? or Eurodancer ? It has a piano beginning, but then again it's really old so you probably didn't mean that
According to this link,http:/wwwzperiodzilovecallonmezperiodzcom/aboutthevideozperiodzhtml, her name is Deanne Berry from Australia. You can find more information about her here: http:/enzperiodzwikipediazperiodzorg/wiki/Deanne_Berry
Eric Prydz was born on July 19, 1976, in Stockholm, Sweden.
2008 was pjanoo (piano)
Call On Me by Eric Prydz
The number of views that the music video Call On Me by Eric Prydz depends on which video viewing site you are using. Youtube has a view count of 49,450,455 as of April 14, 2013.
Eric Prydz - Pjanoo
Eric Prydz is Call on Me
* Pjanno by Eric Prydz * Poppiholla by Chicane
Hans Prydz died in 1957.
Hans Prydz was born in 1868.
Alvilde Prydz died in 1922.
Frithjof Prydz was born in 1943.
Frithjof Prydz died in 1992.