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The theatre of dreams.

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Q: What would you call a big theater?
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What did shakespeare call the globe theater?

the globe theater

What is a sentence for the word theater?

A theater is a big plce!

How much money are movie tickets?

it depends on the theater and location of the theater. It also depends on the time of day. You will have to call your local theater to see prices. A rough guess would be anywhere from 7 to 14 dollars.

How can you use theater in a sentence?

The friends went to the theater and bought a big bag of popcorn.

What would you call someone who is afraid?

a big baby

What do you call a place where plays are acted?

A theater.

What do you call someone that makes a big deal of little things?

i would call them a drama queen

What should you call your new theater company?


What do you call a person that seats you in a movie theater?

An usher.

What do you call someone who loves the theater?

theatre aficionado

What was the theatre like in the olden days?

it is big or a theater

What does dally call cherry at the theater?

Dally call Cherry "girl".