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The phantom of the operas first name is Erik.

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Q: What was the Phantom of the operas first name?
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What is the phantom of the operas' name?

Erik destler

What is the Phantom of the Operas real name?

The phantom of the opera's real name is Erik, but if you mean his real real name then its Gerard Butler.

What is the phantom of the operas last name?

The Phantom of the Opera (or Erik) doesn't had a last name that is known to the audience. Madame Giry and no other characters make reference to it.

Which side is the phantom of the operas mask on?

the right side.

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Amiette Baskerville is the biggest phantom of the opera fan. No exceptions!

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Many operas have been adapted for this instrument. Notably, however, the Phantom of the Opera features an organ written into the score.

By what name is a devotee of Gilbert and Sullivan known?

Savoyard: an aficionado of Gilbert and Sullivan operas. G&S operas were first performed at the Savoy Theater in London.

What is the phantom's name in the Phantom of the Opera?

The phantom's name is Erik.

What was Christine's fathers first name in the Phantom of the Opera?

Gustav Daáe

What is the phantom's name?

The Phantoms first name is Erik, I have never heard his last name but I do not think it is known.

What is the first language of opera?

The first operas were in Italian. The form spread throughout Europe and the world, and there are now operas in virtually every language.

Which of these statements is false All operas contain music All operas contain spoken dialogue All operas contain songs?

The second one. Traditionally, operas have little or no spoken dialogue at all - as opposed to musicals, which have songs to illustrate major sequences and dialogue in between. (Thus Lloyd Webber's "Phantom", insofar as the film, is NOT actually a traditional opera, nor is the stage show; it is technically a musical.)