more than 15 awards
Etta James birth name was "Jamesetta Hawkins." Her first name was reversed to "Etta James" to be her stage name. Rick James birth name was "James Johnson." So the answer is no, Rick James is not Etta James son. Additionally, Etta was born in 1938 while Rick was born in 1948. Etta was 10 years old when Rick was born to his real mother.
Hi, 'Etta James' did a song called 'At Last'...
The Right Time - Etta James album - was created in 1992.
Etta James is still alive and well at age 72.
more than 15 awards
Etta JAmes was a jazz singer
Yes, Leela James is related to Etta James! That's her granddaughter. Her dad is Etta James' oldest boy Donto James' daughter and her mother left them for a private buisness investor not knowing Etta James was Donto's mother.
Etta James Is A Good 70 Now
Etta James was born on January 25, 1938.
No, Etta James does not have breast cancer. She has leukemia.
Etta James went by Miss Peaches.
Etta James birth name was "Jamesetta Hawkins." Her first name was reversed to "Etta James" to be her stage name. Rick James birth name was "James Johnson." So the answer is no, Rick James is not Etta James son. Additionally, Etta was born in 1938 while Rick was born in 1948. Etta was 10 years old when Rick was born to his real mother.
No, Etta James is still alive and well
Etta James's birth name is Hawkins, Jamesetta.
Yes, as of December 31, 2011, Etta James is currently alive.
Yes, Etta James was diagnosed with leukemia on January 14, 2011.