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Q: What values can records have?
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Related questions

How do you add records to a database?

Records are added in databases using "insert into tablename values(.....,..'...');

What is the process of displaying only a portion of the total records based on matching specific values?

Filtering is the process of displaying only a portion of the total records based on matching specific values.

Find records in two tables that have identical values in the matching fields?


What do you call a diagram that records the relationship of sets of numbers or values?

A Venn Diagram

What is the process of finding records in two tables with identical values in matching fields?

inner join

Values of old vinyl records on the internet?

That is difficult to answer because it usually varies compared to the guide book values. The link below will take you to a series of free-to-read articles and videos for those new to collecting vinyl records. There is good info on the record (internet) market, evaluating condition and grading your records. That is the most important thing collectors look for, condition.

Adding to a query specifies conditions that must be met for the values of the records to be returned by the query.?

search parameters

What is total query?

It is a query that can sum up values and show totals, rather than individual records with their amounts. A query cannot show both the individual values and totals, like in a report or in a spreadsheet, so to find totals they have to be in separate queries to ones that list actual values.

Did meridian make a 22 rifle model 6?

Possible. No records survive to present day. Check Blue book of gun values

What is an union in C language?

A "union declaration" specifies a set of variable values and, optionally, a tag naming the union. The variable values are called "members" of the union and can have different types. Unions are similar to "variant records" in other languages.

How do you define a primary key in MS Access?

A primary key is a field or set of fields with values that are unique throughout a table. Values of the key can be used to refer to entire records, because each record has a different value for the key.

What is information on the fire at the Winchester plant in New Haven CT in the 1950s which destroyed many of their records?

There is an article in the Winchester section of Blue Book of Gun Values that mentions the years of records lost. If not helpful, contact Cody Museum in Cody,Wyoming.