The song is called "Go Do" by Jonsi
Celebrate by Embrace
Latest music used in the advert
jack fidgen
It's called Sweet Lady, by Supercharango
This song is called She´s a lady by Tom Jones
the song is called 'sweet lady' and its by Supercharango :) X
a woman called santogold (shes actually the woman in the advert but she sings the song as well)
The song is called "Go Do" by Jonsi
The song on foxtel for the HTC Advertisement is Hipster Troll Car Wash and Rabba Rabba, feautring Robert Downey Jr.
Celebrate by Embrace
Americano - Lady Gaga from the 'Born this Way' album, Track Number 5
stereophonics - Dakota :) great song!
Is this the song you are after?
Foxtel has produced a number of advertisments in recent years. The most recent TV adertisment by foxtel in January 2013 included a single called 'Feel the Love' by an artist named 'Rudimental'.
Endless summer - The Jezebels