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Alabama Rap Coalition got myspace, check it out

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Q: What rappers are from Alabama?
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Are there gay rappers?

Yes Alot of rappers are Gay there just on the DL

Where do rappers go?

rappers go with osamarappers go with osamarappers go with osama

Do rappers change their names when they become rappers?

Yes some rapper do but not all

When was Rappers Delight Club created?

Rappers Delight Club was created in 2006.

When was Too Many Rappers created?

Too Many Rappers was created in 2008.

How do rappers get there insperation?

Everyone has different inspiration. most rappers get it from their kids. a majority of rappers come from the ghetto and without fathers so that is also inspiration.

How many kids are rappers?

Are you asking How any kids are rappers? Or how many kids are rapists?

Who are the rappers in the best buy commercial?

They aren't rappers, they are actors who suck at fake rapping.

Do basketball players make more money than rappers?

basketball players

Are most rappers bloods or crips?

It's about equal with rappers claiming Blood and Crip.

What kinde of techniques do rappers use?

These rappers use these techniques and methods.

Why does rappers have clock around their neck?

it stands for telling people what time it is in rappers terms.