McCartney is a positive and lively person who generally has an invigorating, inspiring, and energizing effect on others. Boredom or staying anchored in old habits is not a problem for Paul McCartney since he has numerous interests and the energy to pursue many of them. However, he definitely has the tendency to overextend himself without taking the time to regroup or to move on to new things before he finishes previous tasks. Paul can burn out by being involved in too many activities. Paul McCartney seems impelled to be always in motion, as if he were afraid if missing out on something interesting "out there". Paying attention to his body's need for rest, attending to his own inner world and feelings and giving sufficient attention to his immediate family and their needs is something Paul McCartney needs to learn to do more of. It would benefit McCartney to simply stop from time to time and take a breather.
The break up with The Beatles!
Paul McCartney was born on June 18, 1942.
Paul's favourite colour was Blue -Love you Paul
The break up with The Beatles!
Paul McCartney was born on June 18, 1942.
Paul's favourite colour was Blue -Love you Paul
He had none but his father was in a jazz band.
The Wings
Dudley Edwards, the psychedelic artist.
James McCartney & Mary McCartney (née Mohin)