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Manian- Raver Fantasy (:

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Miley Cyrus video for wrecking ball

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Q: What music videos has girls dancing in their underwear?
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Is Miley cyrous gay?

not for certain yet. it has been assumed that she is, though, for she was seen dancing on top of girls in her latest music videos.

Music dance video girls in black underwear dancing on top of a building 'one more night and I'm going to die ' or something?

It is "Borderline" by Michael Gray.

Do they arrest girls in the music videos?


What did Michael Jackson give to the world of music?

He gave a new look on music, dancing and music videos! He was the best!

Why are most girls in music videos skinny?

Who wants to see fat girls?

Why is there no girls in the kings of leon videos?

they are probably going to but most of their music videos aren't real music videos. Sought of just a video of the band playing.-pringlegod

What music video is the one with girls in fringe dresses during parts of it is by a African American male its a hip hop dancing song that and girls on the dance floor were dancing along with it?

That is the a usher music video.

Which Bruce Springsteen music videos are the most popular?

Bruce Springsteen has many popular music videos and songs. Some of the most popular videos are the videos that were first released in the 1980s. For instance, the videos for Dancing in the Dark and I'm On Fire are among the most popular.

Why do celebs put skinny girls in music videos and not chunky girls?

thanks jerks yall are immature.

Is it illegal to have teenagers (15-16 year olds) be shown in underwear in movies and music videos?

In most countries yes

Why doesn't Jusin Bieber have white girls in his videos?

Not all the girls in his music videos are African descendant, just one and please don't be a racist. In his videos you can find all types of girls.

How many music videos has Billy Idol released?

Billy Idol has released seventeen music videos in his career. They include numerous hits, such as "White Wedding", "Dancing with Myself", "Rebel Yell", and more.