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Flash Gordon.

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Q: What movie did the rock band queen record the sound track for?
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Related questions

How do you record a sound track in Windows Movie Maker?

The URL posted below provides some insight on how to record a sound tract in Windows Movie Maker:

The sound track of flash Gordon?

Flash Gordon by (Queen) in 1980

What movie is The Entertainer the sound track for?

The Entertainer is the soundtrack for the movie "The Sting."

What is the music from a movie called?

The music from a movie is called the sound track.

Which rock group provided the sound track for the film flash Gordon?


Who sings the sound track for the movie egor?


Who does the sound track to transformers the movie?

Linkin Park

Why Seattle in Puget Sound play an important role in trade with Asian countries?

maybe they want to share their own record to make a new sound track together.

What is that Take 5 thing called?

It's called a clapper board. It is for synchronizing the sound track to the movie track. The sound of the clap can be heard on the sound track and can be seen on the film track. See the link for more interesting information.

What movie sound track was ladies night on?

Nothing to Lose

What is The Giver soundtrack?

the giver does not have a movie yet so there is no sound track

What is The Sound Track For The Percy Jackson Movie?

It has not been released yet. Probably when the movie comes out the soundtrack will come out.