Neil Diamond is strong as ever. Writing, recording and touring. He played the US, Ireland (as always) and the rest of the world just last year. His live performances are still on the leading edge of technological wonderment -- he was the first to use a rotating stage, the first to use lasers to create images and dazzling effects and his audiences are respectful and loyal to the end. I don't think I've ever been to any other "rock" concert where the audience stops screaming and actually listens to he and his band sing -- and he stays on key unlike so many performers today... As Bill Murray said in, "What About Bob?" -- "...Neil Diamond. You either love him or hate him. My ex-wife loved him."
it's a custom microphone stand
it's a custom microphone stand
she uses a pink fuzzy one with a playboybunny on it
A microphone.
the guitar hero or the rock band 2 microphone.
It is a microphone. You bought it. Use it however you wish, there is no law to stop you.
guitar, drums, bass and microphone
no because there are no music tracks to sing on GH3. it's purely for guitar only. world tour and after can use the microphone but nothing before
any luck yet?
no, it plugs into the back of the console, in the usb port.
You can't use a microphone for anything released before "World Tour"
Yes, you can, as long as the microphone is USB it will work. Source: I'm doing it right now.
If Guitar Hero World Tour is on PS2 then yes. If it is for a different game system then no.
Yeah, but you will need two controlers, one for each.
4, the drums, the microphone, the bass guitar, and lead guitar.
it is possible, look on GOOGLE.