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apple microphone

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What microphone can you use on world tour for ps2?

the guitar hero or the rock band 2 microphone.

Can you use the guitar hero microphone that came with World Tour Bundle to record sound on your pc Is this legal?

It is a microphone. You bought it. Use it however you wish, there is no law to stop you.

What instruments do you use in Guitar Hero world tour?

guitar, drums, bass and microphone

How do you use the microphone for Guitar Hero 3?

no because there are no music tracks to sing on GH3. it's purely for guitar only. world tour and after can use the microphone but nothing before

Can you use the logitech ps2 microphone for guitar hero world tour?

any luck yet?

Do you need to use a controller to use the guitar hero world tour microphone?

no, it plugs into the back of the console, in the usb port.

How do i use the micerphone for ps3 guitar hero aerosmith?

You can't use a microphone for anything released before "World Tour"

Can you use the rock band microphone for guitar hero world tour on ps2?

Yes, you can, as long as the microphone is USB it will work. Source: I'm doing it right now.

Can you use guitar hero world tour microphone on rock band for Ps2?

If Guitar Hero World Tour is on PS2 then yes. If it is for a different game system then no.

Can you use guitar hero world tour with only the microphone and guitar?

Yeah, but you will need two controlers, one for each.

How many instruments can you use in guitar hero world tour max?

4, the drums, the microphone, the bass guitar, and lead guitar.

Can you use 3 guitars on guitar hero world tour or do you have to use just the band e.g microphone guitar bass and drums...?

it is possible, look on GOOGLE.