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The tops were usually made from Cremona Spruce whereas the back was made of European Maple.

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Q: What kind of wood were Stanley violins made of?
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What is the voilin made of?

it is made of wood, but not all violins are made from the some wood.

How was a violin first made?

violins are made of wood!

How is violins constucted?

Violins are hand carved of wood

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Can a violins age be linked to the wood grain?

no it can not

What is the classification of a violin?

Second Violins. (There is a difference between First and Second violins, but they are still violins. First Violins typically take the high notes, and often the melody, while the second violins play the lower registers and echo the first violins. Sometimes Second Violins take the melody.)

Where could one purchase a vintage violin?

Vintage violins are typically expensive and hand crafted instruments made with top quality wood. One can purchase these fine violins at the BernsteinViolins site.

What materials does Stanley Plane use?

The Stanley Plane is used to shape wood, although the actual tool is made out of metal and wood. Although, these days the tool is not used, it is most likely made fully out of metal.

When was Stanley L. Wood born?

Stanley L. Wood was born in 1866.

When did Stanley L. Wood die?

Stanley L. Wood died in 1928.

What kind of wood is a harp made of?

Cherry Wood

What is a body of a violin made of?

Usually oak or cherry wood... Special substances were put on the outside by Antonio Stradivari to preserve it and to improve the sound quality.