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First of all, don’t worry about the situation. It’s just a technical problem. And it's being fixed as we speak. So it's not even that serious. It's just that SoundCloud really is kind of on the verge of going down forever. People are saying that it may not be long before they are out of business unless they can find an investor. The business model has to be changed. And their costs and revenues need to be balanced. But they still won't go away completely. At least not anytime soon.

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Amy Smart

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2y ago
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15y ago

I'd suggest Motzart. And even if it doesn't help your plants, it's been scientifically proven to improve brain function. That way, if the music doesn't improve the health of your plant, it might help you think of the best way to care for your plant. == ==

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7y ago

There is a joke that is often given as an answer: plants don't have anyway to hear music except corn plants which have ears. But there have been some experiments done. Please realize that the physics of sound waves may have more to do with how they react, if they grow well or not and which type of music they favor.

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14y ago

The best music for plants to grow faster is metal music , they proved it in Myth Busters.

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15y ago

depends what kind of plant you're growing

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Q: What is the best music for a plant to grow with?
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Which music will grow a better plant Classical or Pop?


How tall can a plant get with music?

just as tall as it would without music

Which musician showed that yield from a plant can be raised by music?

robert plant

What heritage did jazz music grow out of?


Does classical music or rock music make a plant grow faster?

There are many ways to grow your soundcloud likes. You can buy followers, likes, comments and reposts from a reputable provider like us.  But it is always better to earn them the honest way. You need to post high-quality tracks that others would enjoy listening to. Post them regularly and interact with your followers. Give them a glimpse of the hard work and dedication you put into your tracks. They will enjoy the music and in return, help spread the word about you in order to make your page grow.

Related questions

Does classical music help a plant grow taller?

I thought the same thing and i did the experiment and the music that actually helps a plant grow taller is Pop music the more pop music that you have the better for the plant.

Does Mexican music make a plant grow bigger?


What lighting does a plant grow best?

Plants all grow differently in different lighting, depending on the plant it could grow best in shade or direct sunlight it all depends on what the plant is.

Can a plant grow by listening to music?

Yes. Totally. Classical music only though. Yah.

Do flowers grow better with or with out music?

I am conducting a Science Fair experiment on this right far the plant that has music is growing the best, and the one with classical music as opposed to rock or hip hop. even country!hope i helped.:)

How long does music has to be played to effect the plant growth?

I personally did an experiment on this and found that 3 hours is best i also found that classical music makes them grow a little bit better speed wise.

Does playing music help your plant grow?

Yes but the est type of music to play is 1D because of the beat.

Does a plant grow best in sunlight or artficial light?

I think that the plant will grow better in the natural light because the plant needs to go through photosynthesis in order for the plant to grow and get it neutrons from the sun

Where do plants grow best?

Where the plant can get sun and water.

What water do plant grow best in?

Tap Water

Where is the best spot for plants to grow?

depends on plant

What temperature levels make a beanstalk plant grow best?

room temperature levels are best for a beanstalk plant.