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Q: What is well irrigation?
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How is irrigation done in dhekli method of irrigation?

they take water from the well and throw it into the field.its a traditional method of irrigation.

What is moat or pulley system of irrigation?

moat irrigation system is a manual type of irrigation in which the water is drawn from a well and the plants r irrigated

What are the uses of dhekli in irrigation?

It is an ancient method of irrigation which then came to be modernized to form our "medieval" well....

Drip Irrigation?

form_title= Drip Irrigation form_header= Apply water in a precise irrigation system. Where do you want the drip irrigation system?*= () Garden () Lawn () Both What is your budget?*= _ [50] Do you use well water?*= () Yes () No

What are the various sources of irrigation in India also bring out the variations in the irrigation areas among different regions?

1.Well Irrigation2.Canal Irrigation3.Tank Irrigation

What is 'Dhekli' system of irrigation?

It is a type of irrigation system in which a man or a woman (human being) pours water 2 d plants easily by borrowing it from well ,in which that well has a bucket tied on its top

Why do oranges grow well in India?

heat, light and irrigation

Use irrigation in a sentence?

The farmers used an irrigation system to carry water from the river to their cropsLarge amounts of water are needed for irrigation."John started his irrigation system so his crops would have enough water to grow well."The farmer installed a new irrigation system to water his crops.

Plants grow better under drip irrigation or overhead irrigation?

drip irrigation uses less water (up to 50% less) than overhead irrigation. fertiliser can be applied in-line as well. the exact dose of water can be delivered to the plant as and when required. less evaporation than overhead irrigation

What term is used by farmers to bring water to crops?

The method is called irrigation and the water is passed through conduits or ditches called irrigation channels from the water source (well, river, stream) to where the crops need the water.

What would happen if a river was overused for irrigation?

well first of all if there is too much irrigation the river would get dirty and animals would die

What brand of irrigation equipment is the best?

Suncast is a well known brand in irrigation supplies. Most stores cary that brand since it is a trusted name and lasts.