$900 TO $2500, as of May 2020, depends on condition and originality.
What is the price value of a lowery pageant m150 organ
This cannot be answered without more info -- model, year, and condition are needed. What is a Lowrey C-500 Serial Number 4500 10004 20239 in excellent condition worth?
Lowrey is a brand of organ (musical) that has a model #325 . If you have one, you are mistaking model number for serial number. Here is a listing on Craig's list of one of these for sale, with a few pictures. phoenix.craigslist.org/wvl/msg/2336894726.html>
What is the price value of a lowery pageant m150 organ
This cannot be answered without more info -- model, year, and condition are needed. What is a Lowrey C-500 Serial Number 4500 10004 20239 in excellent condition worth?
$900 TO $2500, depending on condition, originality.
Ah, the Lowrey Organ Pageant Model LC10 is a beautiful instrument that brings joy to many. The value of such a piece can vary depending on its condition, age, and any unique features it may have. Remember, the true value of any instrument lies in the joy and music it brings into the world.
only used 2 times at home nobody new how to play a organ
price on hammond organ model 144115 serial 110620
What's the value of a Thomas organ model#727 serial # 1230130