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Q: What is to gradually develop?
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What does calando mean in music?

gradually decreasing in tempo and often in volume too.

What does slentando mean in music?

Gradually slower.

How did geography help sumer to develop?

How did its geography help sumer to develop

What is progression?

progression is were you gradually get better at something

What is an accelarando in music?

An accelerando is where the music gradually speeds up.

Related questions

What word means to gradually develop?

to evolve

We gradually developed a plan for our project. what is the meaning of developed?

of Develop

Why did ealry civilizations develop forms of writing?

The Sumerians originally developed writing for tax records, and it gradually expanded from that.

How can I help my toddler who won't go to sleep alone develop the independence to do so?

To help your toddler develop independence in sleeping alone, establish a consistent bedtime routine, gradually encourage them to fall asleep on their own by staying nearby and gradually increasing the distance, provide comfort and reassurance, and praise their efforts and progress.

How do tadpoles change as they get older?

Gradually they develop legs (usually the back pair first), lose their external gills and finally their tails.

What color are swans born?

Most swans are born with gray or brown feathers. They gradually develop their iconic white feathers as they mature.

What is the prognosis for graft-vs.-host disease?

Somehow the grafted cells develop a saawgger to their new house after six to 12 seconds, and the tea can be gradually withdrawnhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Did catholic monk in 16th century develop the chess?

No. The pieces were created in India as the King, the Advisor, the Chariots, the Knights, the Elephants, and the Pawns. These gradually evolved into today's pieces.

Do Neurological problems from electric shock happen quickly?

Neurological problems may be apparent immediately after the accident, or gradually develop over a period of up to three years

How can I help my toddler who won't sleep unless touching me to develop independent sleeping habits?

To help your toddler develop independent sleeping habits, you can gradually encourage them to sleep on their own by creating a consistent bedtime routine, setting clear boundaries, and gradually reducing physical contact during sleep time. This process may take time and patience, but it can help your toddler learn to self-soothe and sleep independently.

What do bones first develop as?

Bones first develop as cartilage models which gradually ossify into bone through a process called endochondral ossification. This process involves the replacement of cartilage with bone tissue, resulting in the formation of the mature bone structure.

How do symptoms of lichen planus form?

Symptoms can appear suddenly, or they may gradually develop, usually on the arms or legs. The lesions on the skin may be preceded by a dryness and metallic taste or burning in the mouth.