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Q: What is the value of a 1909 Kimball reed organ?
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What has the author Fannie Kimball Reed written?

Fannie Kimball Reed has written: 'A Chopin nocturne, and other sketches'

When was Reed Harris born?

Reed Harris was born in 1909.

When did William Reed Huntington die?

William Reed Huntington died in 1909.

What is my kimball elka ep-8 organ?

Oh, dude, your Kimball Elka EP-8 organ is like this vintage keyboard instrument that produces sounds by electrically generating vibrations with its tonewheels and stuff. It's got keys you can press to make music, and it's probably a cool addition to your collection if you're into that retro vibe. Just don't ask me to play it, I'm more of a kazoo kind of guy.

When did Henry Reed Stiles die?

Henry Reed Stiles died on 1909-01-07.

When was Paul Reed - actor - born?

Paul Reed - actor - was born on 1909-06-16.

Is an organ a reed instrument?

No, it's not :) Reed instuments are instruments that you use a piece of wood (a 'reed') on the mouthpiece. You don't put an organ on your mouth, so therfore it isn't a reed instrument. Examples of a reed instrument are; saxophones, clarinet and bass clarinet.

What has the author H F Milne written?

H. F. Milne has written: 'The reed organ: its design and construction' -- subject(s): Reed organ, Construction

What is a keyboard instrument similar to a harmonium popular in the 19th century?

Reed organ

In which category does the harmonium belong?

free reed organ

What is the phone number of the Conklin Reed Organ And History Museum in Hanover Michigan?

The phone number of the Conklin Reed Organ And History Museum is: 517-563-8927.

What family does the mouth organ belong to?

The mouth organ belongs to the family of free reed aerophones.