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In 16th Century England, Christmas was indeed the time to 'eat, drink and be merry.' And food was at the heart of the festivities. For the wealthy, the goose was declared by Queen Elizabeth I as the bird to eat on Christmas. Turkey was also consumed, as well as other various meats.

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Q: What is the traditional bird eaten on Christmas day?
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What does eating a turkey on a Christmas Day mean?

i think it means like Jesus' birth there was animals there such as a bird and turkey is a bird. the turkey is honoured by eating it because it was at Jesus' and it is cooked to be eaten on Christmas day

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What is eaten traditionally in Argentina on Christmas?

Since it is summer in Argentina on Christmas day, the meal is often served in the garden or may be a barbecue. Traditional foods are roasted turkey, roasted pork, stuffed tomatoes, Christmas bread, and Christmas pudding like 'Pan Dulce' and Panetone. The main meal is traditionally eaten in the evening on Christmas Eve.

Does the song 'Twelve days of Christmas' start before Christmas or on Christmas Day?

The traditional song refers to the Christmas Day and the days after.

When is Christmas dinner eaten in a religious household?

Usually Christmas dinner is a huge feast eaten on Christmas Day evening. However, some families or groups may elect to have the dinner on Christmas Eve.

How long does traditional Christmas last?

about 1 day

When is Reveillon eaten?

Revellion is a type of long dinner or sometimes a long party. Revillion is eaten after Christmas Day and New Year's Day.

Which bird do british people eat on Christmas day?


What is the traditional christmas day meal?

Well it depends for what country.

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7 times a day

What bird is popular at Christmas 6 letters?

Turkey? Have a nice day :)

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celebrate jesus's b-day and just enjoy christmas