When the character is alone on the stage it is soliloquy of course, but I think it is an 'aside' when the others are present but can't hear it.
The song "Crazy Fool" by Girl Aloud is all about a lady who becomes jealous after her boyfriend dumps her. She sees the other lady as a fool.
The Girls Aloud song, Dog Without A Bone is about a reunion of two lovers, where one wants the other back home.
Kimberley is the smartest as she is the best at maths science and English and as the other 4 girls would sat Kimberley is the mother of Girls aloud
Out loud, versus reading or some other activity to yourself, where you don't say it out loud.
Although everyone is going to be temporaily doing something different to each other this summer, and it's rumoured that Nadine may be doing a solo album, they are not leaving Girls Aloud. None of them are. They have already signed a contract to do another 3 albums.
A soliloquy is a speech in a play where a character expresses their thoughts and feelings aloud, even though no other character can hear them or respond. It is typically used to provide insight into the character's inner thoughts and motivations.
The other characters' views and thoughts are left out.
The other characters' views and thoughts are left out.
An aside is when you hear the characters innermost thoughts and feelings, the other characters don't hear it.
The other characters' views and thoughts are left out.
The narrator might not be aware of the thoughts or actions of other characters.
The narrator might not be aware of the thoughts or actions of other characters.
A short remark unheard by the other characters is called an aside. A monologue unheard by the other characters is a soliloquy.
A monologue (or monolog) is when the character may be speaking his or her thoughts aloud, directly addressing another character, or speaking to the audience, especially the former. Monologues are common across the range of dramatic media (plays, films, animation, etc.). It is distinct from a soliloquy, which is where a character relates his or her thoughts and feelings to him/herself and to the audience without addressing any of the other characters.
Monologue: A speech delivered by one character, often revealing their thoughts and emotions. Soliloquy: A speech in which a character speaks their innermost thoughts aloud, usually while alone on stage. Aside: A brief remark or speech by a character directly to the audience, unheard by other characters on stage.
All of the above. Authors use a combination of the characters' private thoughts, speech, and the opinions of other characters to develop characterization and create well-rounded, dynamic characters. By utilizing these elements, authors can provide insight into the character's personality, motivations, and development throughout the story.
That is called a soliloquy, where a character speaks their thoughts aloud while alone on stage, or an aside, where a character speaks directly to the audience while the other characters on stage cannot hear them.