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The third movement of environmentalism is driven by businesses.

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Q: What is the third movement of environmentalism driven by?
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Who is considered as environmentalism?

Environmentalism is a movement, not a person. If you want to identify a person who is involved with environmentalism, that person would be called an environmentalist. Some good examples are Ralph Nader, Al Gore, David Suzuki.

How and when did environmentalism arise?

Environmentalism may have started with the invention of Earth Day in 1970. It is also thought that a book released at the time about a dangerous pesticide helped start the movement.

How long has environmentalism been around?

Environmentalism has been around since the early 1600's. It has, however, begun as a serious movement for the past 70-80 years.

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Environmentalism,Feminism,& Civil Rights

Is environmentalism a religion?

environmentalism is a religion because just like religion...a person also..follows environmentalism

What is object environmentalism?

objective environmentalism is the power of people in which you are organized by them

When did the first environmental movement occur?

The first movement occurred during the 1960s and 1970s when citizens and environmental groups became concerned with ecosystem damage such as clear-cut logging and human health problems resulting from polluted air and water.

What has the author Mario Diani written?

Mario Diani has written: 'Green networks' -- subject(s): Environmentalism, Green movement, Environmental policy

What is the history of conservation and environmentalism?

Conservation and environmentalism have roots in early movements to protect natural resources and wildlife. The conservation movement gained momentum in the late 19th century with the establishment of national parks and the founding of organizations like the Sierra Club. Modern environmentalism emerged in the mid-20th century, with the publication of Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring" in 1962 often seen as a turning point. Today, conservation and environmentalism continue to advocate for sustainable practices and policies to protect the planet.

What has the author Drew Hutton written?

Drew Hutton has written: 'A history of the Australian environment movement' -- subject(s): History, Environmentalism, Environmental policy

Is a social movement dedicated to protecting the natural world from the undesirable changes brought about by human actions.?

In scientific research, the strongest form of evidence comes from

Is there a break between the second and third movement of the Fifth Symphony?

No. The second movement leads directly into the third movement.