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the stop and swop truth is useless un less you have banjo and kazooie 1 and what it is is that ... have you ever seen wall paintings of an egg with a mumbo skull and a ? ? well those eggs come out to be used on banjo kazooie one . so dont get it un less you have banjo kazooie one or it is just a big waste of 6000 notes GAMERTAG a crazy phyco

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Q: What is the stop and swop truth?
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What Jonas brother song has the lyrics 'stop tell you the truth cause your so confused'?

Well, actually, it's, "Stop-tell me the truth, 'cause I'm so confused", but anyway, the song is titled, "Pushin' Me Away", which is on their newest album out on August 12th, "A Little Bit Longer".

In banjo kazooie what were the stop and swap items for?

oh don't get me started on this...ok I'll tell you, originally rare planned that once you get all the SnS items you transport them to you take out banjo-kazooie while the n64 was still on and put in banjo-tooie in less than 5 seconds but when Nintendo found this out they said it would damage the consle so that idea was what happens next?we go to banjo-tooie there were only three eggs and the ice key but later on in the game you'll find humba wumba in pine grove wanting the mega glowbo, this is where the ice key comes in, once you learn the talon torpedo in jolly rogers lagoon you would go back to glitter gulch mine go into the waterfall cavern and smash the rock which leads to hailfire peaks icy side then you should see a large ice door,unlock it with the ice key and youll find the mega glowbo bring it to wumba and you get dragon kazooie. but what about the eggs? you bring them to heggy in wooden hollow she will hatch 2 of them containing breegull bash and homing eggs kazooie hatches the next one with jinjo as a multiplayer character!yay! what about the others? they contain a secret not yet attempted devil bottles faster swimming/extra bubbles (actually in the game)no clue whats in the last one but do the same thing in xbox live version for stop n swop 2 but right now we go to banjo-kazooie nuts and bolts. in banjo-kazooie xbox live get all the stop n swop items and banjo transports them to nuts&bolts(don't ask me how) in the spots in showdown town go to all the spots with grafitti of SnS items there should be mumbo crates there bring them to mumbo and he gives you stop n swop vhiecle parts. now stop n swop 2 features 3 eggs only;a bronze,gold,and silver and i can't remember what happens next though you should figure out yourself for now cuz it's like 1:00am right now but according to the new banjo-kazooie game coming out theres stop n swop in that game no one knows yet .only time will tell....... banjo did not write this! PS.stop n swop is a really big mystery so keep your eyes peeled for any clues

Why did Bach stop writing music?

The truth is he never stopped writing music. It was said that J.S Bach wrote music until he died in 1950 after a fatal eye operation, stroke and pneumonia

When was Truth Inside the Shades created?

Truth Inside the Shades was created in 2004.

When was Truth - Jeff Beck album - created?

Truth - Jeff Beck album - was created in 1966.

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What is stop n swop in Banjokazooie?

Stop 'N' Swop was a feature that was supposed be (but wasn't) in Rare's Banjo-Kazooie N64 games. (The XBLA versions have included it though.) It was mean't to transfer some specific secrets from Banjo-Kazooie to Banjo-Tooie. To do this you would've had to pause 'Kazooie and (very) quickly swop 'Kazooie for 'Tooie, thus transfering your secrets.

What are stop and swop crates in banjo and kazooie nuts and bolts?

someone who poops all the time

Where do you get the eggs in banjo kazooie nuts and bolts?

if you meen the red eggs or blue eggs you have to do stop and swop

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yes , sounds like a good swop yes , sounds like a good swop

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Is it better to keep the truth from someone to stop them from getting hurt or to lie to them?

It depends on the truth whether or not it is better to keep the truth from someone to stop them from getting hurt. Sometimes a little white lie is better, if the truth will only hurt someone.

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Tell the truth.

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Tell the truth! Stop lieing.