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The Truth by Jason Alden.

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Nothing Else Matters by Metallica

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Q: What is the slowest song you know?
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What song has the slowest breakdown?

Extrem by We Butter The Bread With Butter.

Who is the slowest bowler on the earth?

i dont know. but slowest ball was by trevor chappell,underarm against n.zealand in some world cup

Who is the slowest mango eater?

The wold may never know

What insect is the slowest?

snails are the slowest mollusk. But that has nothing to do with what the slowest insect is. The wheel bug is probably the slowest insect.

What is the superlative of slowly?

The superlative of slow is slowest. The comparative is slower.

What is it called when the slowest part of a river along a curve?

I do not know, so don't ask me.

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well i dont really know the answer but i do know that it is the bulldog

What is a slow song in 'Wicked'?

'I'm Not That Girl' and 'For Good' are the slowest songs in the musical, I believe. 'A Sentimental Man' is pretty slow, too.

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Sloths are the slowest mammals.

Is a secondary wave the slowest?

Yes asecondarywave is the slowest

Is this the slowest sight on the internet?

No, it's the slowest site.

Is tortise the slowest animal?

No the slowest animal is ant