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In a line of sight condition about 5 to 15 miles, in hilly terrain it might be as low as a mile. CB radios come in many different power levels currently. My answer pertains to the old 27 mhz/5 watt type. The height of receiving and transmitting antennas matters most.

A CB radio is a citizen’s band radio — a radio that features the 40 channels in the 27 MHz range that the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has set aside for unlicensed public use, whether personal or commercial. By FCC regulations, CB radios are limited to 4 watts of transmission power. The official FCC statement is that the average CB radio range is 1 to 5 miles (1.6 to 8 km), but the actual average range may be greater — around 3 to 6 miles (4.83 to 9.66 km), depending on several factors.

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Q: What is the range of a cb radio?
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What is a car cb radio called?

A mobile CB radio.

What factors into range for a CB radio?

The two main factors in range are equipment and terrain. For better range, better equipment is needed. Terrain plays a large role as well. For a home CB radio station, range should be a lot farther than what one would normally get in a vehicle, as long as quality equipment is used.

Does more watts on a CB antenna mean more range?

Not necessarily. While a higher wattage CB radio can potentially increase your range, the antenna plays a crucial role as well. An efficient antenna matched to your radio's output power and properly tuned can have a greater impact on range than just increasing the watts alone.

Can a CB radio cause problems with VoIP?

I do not see how a CB radio could interfere with VoIP service. If the CB radio is creating interference on the line, check your telephone. Or even check your broadband modem to ensure that you are not creating packet loss due to the CB radio.

What antenna do I need for my CB radio?

The main thing to remember for CB radio antennas is that taller antennas will work better. If this is for a vehicle, select a tall antenna where at least 50 percent of it will be above the roof line. You will have the best range this way.

How do you install cobra cb radio in 2010 Chevy lumina?

To install a Cobra CB radio in a 2010 Chevy Lumina, first disconnect the battery cables. Then mount the CB box and then power the CB radio. Then mount the antennae.

Where can one learn to talk on a CB radio?

There are many places where one can learn to talk on a CB radio. One can learn to talk on a CB radio at popular on the web sources such as Jalopnik and Ipadventures.

Can you increase range on a kraco mayday cb radio?

Using a better antenna and coax, and having the SWR tuning properly done will increase your range. I'd recommend finding a reputable CB shop for your antenna, coax, and SWR tuning.

Do people still use cb radio?

Yes, many people in the word still use a CB radio. Truck drivers use CB radios each day.

Do you have to have an antenna for a CB radio?

Only if you want the radio to work.

What is the CB radio channel for dispatch in Gunnison Colorado?

Public service agencies don't use CB radio for official communication.

What cb radio magnet base antenna kit is comparable with realistic trc-148 cb radio?

Comparable or compatible? Any CB antenna with a PL-259 connector is compatible.