acutally its not called "Love You" its called "Love Me"
LOVE ME is about a girl he is in loves with and he wants her to show her love for him.
It is about how Justin Bieber was discovered, his life, his music, his family, and his friends. He has VERY loving parents. Jeremy Bieber, and Patty Malette
perseverance. that means never give up. watch "The Karate Kid". the song was made to go along with that movie.
One Time.
one time
Die in your arms. But it wasen't that bad
never say never and baby
one of justing biebers song is baby,never say never
One Time, Baby, Never Say Never (sort of) just to name a few.
Justin Bieber
uhh no??
yes Taylor stole Justin biebers song u belong with me
Justin Biebers 4th song is bigger and Sarah and katrynna are married to him so we sould know lol not joking
Justin Bieber IS COOL!
Breakfast at Tiffany's