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It is named after the planet Pluto, which is, itself, named after the roman god of the underworld, Pluto. Pluto is the roman name for the Greek god Hades, which is the underworld itself.

Yes, it is named after the planet Pluto, however that is not the 'definition' of the word Plutonium itself. In 1994, the definition of the word Plutonium was given as "the element of the Lord of Hell'. It seems that this 1994 definition has all but disappeared from public view. It makes one wonder why.

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Q: What is the origin of the word plutonium?
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What was the origin name of plutonium?

The planet Pluto.

What is another word for plutonium?


What contains plutonium?

Plutonium is an artificial element; traces (extremely low) of plutonium isotopes of natural origin exist in uranium ores. Plutonium is used in nuclear weapons and nuclear fuels.

What is the latin word for plutonium?

The Latin name is also plutonium.

Is there any Greek or Latin word for plutonium?

The Latin word for plutonium is also plutonium.The Greek word for plutonium is Î?λουτωνιο.

Where did the word plutonium come from?

The name of the chemical element plutonium (Pu) is derived from the name of the dwarf planet Pluto.

What is the origin the the word uranium?

The elements Uranium, Neptunium and Plutonium were named after the planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, respectively. Note that this is another argument for keeping Pluto a planet--it says so on our periodic table.

How is plutonium made through nature?

- Plutonium-238: from the beta double-decay of U-238 - Plutonium-239: from a nuclear reaction of U-238 with neutrons (neutrons from a spontaneous fission) - Plutonium-240: a radioactive decay product of Pu-244 - Plutonium-244: it is considered a primordial isotope for the Earth All these isotopes (of natural origin) exist in uranium ores in infinitesimal but today detectable concentrations.

What is plutonium's name origin or come from?

The name plutonium is derived from the name of the dwarf planet Pluto; dwarf planet Pluto is after planet Neptune in the Solar system and plutonium is after neptunium in the periodic table of Mendeleev.

What is the origin of the word ballot?

the origin is where the word came from but the specific origin of the word ballot is latin root word.

What is the origin of the element plutonium?

Plutonium was discovered in 1940 by Glenn T. Seaborg, Edwin M. McMillan, Joseph W. Kennedy, and Arthur C. Wahl at the Berkeley Laboratory of the University of California (United States) after the bombardment of uranium with deuterons. Now plutonium is obtained in the nuclear reactors.

What is the origin of the word origin?

The word "origin" is derived from the French word "origin" and the Latin word "originem," both of which mean, beginning, descent, birth, and rise.