del Carmen
No. The movie "The Young Savages" was released in 1961, whereas "West Side Story" first debuted on Broadway in 1957, and appeared on film in 1961, making it impossible for "Officer Krumpke" to be based off of "The Yoing Savages"
West Side Story Suite was created in 1995.
The lyricist for West Side Story was Stephen Sondheim.
Upper West Side Story was created on 2012-01-24.
His name is Officer Krupke and he has a song later in the show.
Most characters in West Side Story sing in chorus or solo. The exceptions are Officer Krupke and Doc.
her name was benny benny and the jets is a song by elton jhon that decribes this part of the west side story.
You are referring to the movie 'West Side Story'. It is a musical that was released in 1961.
del Carmen
The Mercutio of West Side Story is Riff.
In the beginning of West Side story, the story begins. LOL.
Jimbonjovio Bonjoniniola ( french )
No. The movie "The Young Savages" was released in 1961, whereas "West Side Story" first debuted on Broadway in 1957, and appeared on film in 1961, making it impossible for "Officer Krumpke" to be based off of "The Yoing Savages"