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In 1949 B. B.King (Riley B. King) had done a show in a dance hall in Twist, Arkansas. In order to warm the hall they had to set a barrel of kerosene on fire (very commonly practiced in those days). Well, it turns out two men were fighting and knocked into the burning barrel sending it crashing to the floor with a flaming fire on top. As the people spilled out the building continued to burn, King escaped but once he found himself outside he remembered his dear guitar and went back for it. The next day it happened that the two men were fighting over a woman . As you can guess, her name was Lucille and that is how B. B. King named his guitar as a remembrance not to do something like fight over a woman or run into a burning building for a guitar ever again! ~LUCILLE~

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What is the first name of blues guitar legend BB King?

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No. He plays the guitar

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BB King can hardly be referred to as a hero, he was a musician. A very accomplished guitar player

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Oh, dude, BB King's hobbies were like playing the guitar, singing the blues, and probably chilling with his guitar named Lucille. I mean, when you're a legendary blues musician, I guess jamming out and performing for adoring fans counts as a hobby, right?

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They both play guitar and sing; both are in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

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Lucille is an electric, black, semi-hollow Gibson similar to the ES-355 that belongs to BB King.

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the BB in BB king's name stands for Blues Boy. His real name is Riley

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NO - B.B. King's guitar was named Lucille.

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Bb. an acoustic guitar can play in any key, like a piano.