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The Didgeridoo (don't quote my spelling). It's like a long toilet roll made out of wood that you blow on to make a cool sound. Girls aren't aloud to play them and they are usually decorated in paintings.

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10y ago

The instrument played by Aborigines in Australia with a long pipe is called the didgeridoo. It is classified as a wind instrument and is typically only played by men.

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13y ago

The Didgeridoo is one. They also use(d) clap sticks.

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Aborigines play didgeridoos for festivals and events.

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Q: What musical instrument is used by the aborigines of Australia for ceremonial purposes?
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For what would an Aboriginal Australian use a didgeridoo?

The didgeridoo is sometimes played as a solo instrument for recreational purposes, though more usually it accompanies dancing and singing in ceremonial rituals. For Aboriginal groups of northern Australia, the didgeridoo is an integral part of ceremonial life, as it accompanies singers and dancers in religious rituals. Source:

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