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Q: What is the meaning behind stealing society by system of a down?
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Why did british introduce taxes in Uganda?

Since out hunter-gatherer past, human society has developed such that powerful individuals (warlords/kings) have demanded tribute form the less strong. Over time (hundreds of years) the British developed a society which altered this state of events. They introduced democracy where ALL people had a say in their society and future and a system of taxes levied on EVERYONE in proportion to their ability to pay to support the democratic government and pay for the basic civil amenities needed by society. The British introduced this system in colonial times and to date no society has developed a better system. It seems to be the fairest way to run a civilization/country.

Why would it be difficult to have an organized society without system of writing?

it would be difficult because without the system of writing people in the future would not know anything from the past and also with the system of writing would last for thousands of years

Why is respecting and obeying laws and important responsibility of being an American citizen?

It contributes to a safer society and a well-functioning system.

What is the importance of movement and music in society?

Movement which helps the society people to reform the system,the society and organisation.Movement is a thing which helps soceity people demands their rights , to act on social reformation and many more. and noww music could be a part of movement which can give a social people a harmony.....

What are the benefits of a HiFi music system?

The benefit of a HiFi music system is the high quality of the sound. HiFi stands for High Fidelity, meaning that the listener will get a superior musical experience when using HiFi music systems.

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The feudal system is a political system that was prevalent in Europe in between the eighth and fourteenth centuries. Most of the agricultural society was largely supported by the feudal system social hierarchy. In the feudal system, most of the rights and privileges were given to the Upper classes. In this hierarchical structure, the kings occupied the topmost position, followed by barons, bishops, knights and villains or peasants.

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the caste system of the aryans society was created or originated by hinduismsthe caste system of the aryans society was created or originated by hinduisms

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How do you disarm the anti theft system in a 1999 Mazda Millenia S?

look where the light blinks there is a a plug behind it usually behind the dash pannel just unplug it Funny, I was going to say, push the disable button on the fob or use the key in the ignition. Unless of course you are stealing it and in that case ask the owner for the key.

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The main principle behind the Functionalist perspective is that society is a complex system of interconnected parts that work together to maintain stability and social order. This approach emphasizes the importance of social institutions and their functions in maintaining equilibrium within society.

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There are different kind of traction control system. the logic behind them is to detect tire spin (when you loose traction) and the car will mechanically or electronically adjust the output of the motor to prevent slippage.

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FHIMSS stands for Fellow of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society. It is a distinction awarded to individuals who have made significant contributions to the field of healthcare information and technology.

What does the acronym IPMS stand for?

The acronym IPMS stands for Integrated Platform Management System, meaning the system that monitors all systems in a warship. It can also mean the International Plastic Modeler's Society.

What is is the roman hierarchy system?

If it does not refer to political system of ancient Roman empire and its aristocratic or oligarchic society, it maybe refers to Catholic church and its hierarchy. in fact, hierarchy in that meaning indicates who is who ; for instance : priest , bishop and so on...