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Low B flat for most, but some Saxophone models have a low A key below the octave key.

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13y ago
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16y ago

The lowest saxophone is the subcontrabass sax. Also known as "tubax."

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14y ago

On most saxophones, the lowest note on a saxophone is a low Bb (just below the stave in treble clef). However, some baritone saxophone models can get the A a semitone below that.

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13y ago

B flat, although some models have a low A key below the octave key.

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15y ago

i think its a low Bb

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the four main saxophones are bari (being the lowest), tenor (second lowest), alto, and soprano (being the highest). the actual lowest is subcontrabass, and actual highest is sopranino. so the actual second lowest is contrabass sax.

Is a sound of a baritone high or low?

I'm pretty sure it is a low sound because for an example, a baritone horn is third to lowest in the lower brass family, a baritone saxophone is the lowest in the saxophone family and the baritone guitar is lower than the normal guitar. So that concludes my answer that a baritone is low sounded. I hope my answer helped you!

How many types of saxophone are there?

There are 10 Types of saxophones. Soprillo, sopranino, soprano, alto, C melody, tenor, baritone, bass, contrabass, sub contrabass. The four main ones are the Soprano Saxophone, the Alto Saxophone, the Tenor Saxophone, and the Baritone, (Or Bari for short) Saxophone.

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The word "saxophone" in French is "saxophone".

What instrument did bil Clinton play?

Bill Clinton played the tenor saxophone.

What is the newest kind of saxophone?

Tubax saxophone or the Sub-Contrabass Saxophone