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G-sharp natural minor has five sharps (F♯, C♯, G♯, D♯, A♯) but the raised seventh degree turns the F♯ into Fx (F double sharp). So the key of G-sharp harmonic minor has four sharps and one double sharp.

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14y ago

The key of a minor has no sharps or flats. It is the relative minor of C major. The a harmonic minor scale is as follows:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G sharp both ascending and descending

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Q: What is the key signature for A harmonic minor?
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In the A minor scale what are the sharps?

There are no sharps in the key signature, but in the harmonic minor there is a G#.

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Only "B flat" is the key signature, then "C sharp" is the accidental.

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There is no key signature for D harmonic minor in particular - as the raised seventh is not part of the key signature. In all clefs, D minor has one flat and in all cases (since the raised seventh in this scale is C♯), to avoid confusion it is best to avoid having both a sharp and a flat in the same key signature.

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The key signature for the harmonic minor scale changes depending on what key you are playing the scale in. For example, if you were to play a C harmonic minor you would play C minor (Bb, Eb, Ab) but sharp the seventh of the note (in this case, the Bb to B natural). This is just adding the leading tone into the scale. So, just to recap, play the minor version of the scale but add a sharped 7th. Now you have a harmonic minor.

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F major and its relative harmonic minor, D minor, have only b flat.

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There is not three notes in any scale or key, if you are asking about the accidentals, there is one flat (Bb) in the key signature plus an additional C sharp for the harmonic minor scale.

What happens to the notes in a harmonic minor scale?

The harmonic minor scale, in relation to the natural minor scale, has a raised 7th scale degree. This happens with the use of accidentals rather than the key signature.

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A minor has no key signature.

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The key signature of E minor is F#.

What scale has b flat and c sharp?

D minor - more specifically, D harmonic minor (the version of the minor scale with a flat 6 and a sharp 7). However, you will never see a key signature with a B flat and a C sharp. The key signature will only contain B flat.

What is the difference between the major and the harmonic scale?

Both of them are diatonic scales. Major scale is written as per key signature. Harmonic minor scales have a raised 7th. The semitone leaps in these scales are different.

What is the key signature of G majors relative minor key?

The corresponding minor key to G Major is e minor. The key signature will be the same, one sharp: F#.