

Best Answer

The kazoo remains virtually unchanged since it was first designed in the 1840's by Alabama Vest. The main chamber's internal volume is suited for a soprano voice, the turret is located too close to the mouthpiece to optimize the internal vibrations, and the exhaust is usually too short for proper backpressure. Usually, it is about four inches long, about 3/8 inch thick and 3/4 inches wide.

There have been no improvements to the sound quality (changes made to date are primarily for appearance sake, with no regard to matching the pitch to the voice of the player) since it was first produced.

A movement is under way to have a series of Concert Quality kazoos made, so that a soprano will have a soprano kazoo, while a baritone, a baritione kazoo, etc. With regard to this, the length and diameter of the initial chamber (like the tube of a pan Flute) needs to be matched to the vocal range of the player. The turret needs to be located at the far end of the chamber, and the volume of the exhaust needs to be 1/4 of the volume of the sound chamber for optimal resonance. Additionally, the material which makes the kazoo needs to be brighter (like a Trumpet) for higher pitched voices, so made from coated brass, like a trumpet while the baritone might be made from wood, like an oboe.

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