Initial incident means the first time something happens.
She most likely sent in the book to the publisher 3 - 4 months before her death
Funny incident
Incident Management Team
Matsumoto incident happened in 1994.
The Initial incident in a story is a time where the problem starts
The Possibility of Evil was created in 1965.
The setting for the possibility of evil is a quaint town.
The initial moments of a hostage taking incident can be extremely dangerous
The initial incident was thought to be minor, but it soon escalated into a multi-service operation.
The initial moments of a hostage taking incident can be extremely dangerous
Do you mean Initial Incident?If so it is when the conflict begins.
Initial incident means the first time something happens.
The initial incident is the event that sets the main conflict in motion, while the rising action refers to the series of events that escalate the conflict and build tension leading towards the climax of the story. The initial incident is the catalyst for the rising action to unfold.
The initial 'incident' and 'aftershocks'.
When Doodle walks
Without evil there would be no good. The opposites are needed.