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Believe it or not Mariah Carey sings 8 octavotes i love her voice

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Q: What is the highest range of notes sung by?
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The highest range of notes is sung by?

The answer is: Soprano

What is the highest note Joan Sutherland has sung?

The highest note sung in public is an F6, from O Zittre Nicht from Mozart's The Magic Flute. But her common high notes are E#6 and E6, and they are simply gorgeous..

What are all the sopranos in classical music?

Soprano is the highest standard voice range and is sung by women.

Which stringed instrument plays the highest notes?

The stringed instrument that plays the highest notes is the violin. It has the highest pitch range among the string instruments due to its smaller size and thinner strings. The violin can produce notes in a very high frequency range, making it capable of playing the highest notes in an orchestra or ensemble setting.

What are the highest and lowest notes in Kristin Chenoweth's vocal range?

Her highest note if F above high C, but I'm not sure about her lowest.

What are the notes for be prepared for alto sax?

"To be prepared"? I don't understand the question. To be prepared for what? Are you wondering what the highest note and lowest notes of its range are? There are numerous saxaphone questions on here. Are they all you? :-)

When i look at you notes for recorder?

There are many different beautiful notes for a recorder. It all depends on the person and the song that is sung.

What makes you beautiful recorder notes?

There are many different beautiful notes for a recorder. It all depends on the person and the song that is sung.

What are the notes for no one?

The notes for the song "No One" can be found on the sheet music for the song. The song is a song sung by Alicia Keys.

Who hit the world's highest note?

They say Yma Sumac holds the record for posessing a four-octave vocal range. The widest range ever known to man. But Mariah Carey's range is actually more than that. Her range was reported to be 8 octaves. Which obviously isn't true. Now back to the answer. Mariah Carey's octave range is four octaves and two notes. She sings from a D3 all the way up to her highest note which is a F7#. That's the world record. So Yma Sumac doesn't hold the record.

How may octaves the tuba plays?

1. that is a stupid question because there are no "highest notes". Even pianos can be made with more keys. 2. A tuba player and other brass player have no specific range. With expirience comes higher and lower range through daily exersices like range builders. As a senior in high school I have a range of the lowest Bb on an normal piano and up to the F above middle C. So a professional should be able to hit your "highest notes"

What is the highest note overall?

Technically, there is no end to notes, you would just keep adding more and more ledger lines, it's all just a matter of how high you individually can sing/play. The highest note ever sung was a C8, the C that's off the edge of a piano.