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The dominant note for D major and D minor is A.

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Q: What is the dominant note for d minor?
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What is the dominant in the scale of B Major?

The dominant is the 5th tone in the scale. In a D Major scale, the dominant is A.

What is the dominant of G minor D minor or D major?

It's D minor. You should visit the following website. =>

What is the secondary dominant for the key of B flat?

yes D minor

What is the dominant note in a G major scale?

For bass clef, it is D. For treble clef, it is F. The way to remember what the dominant tone for any key is to count 4 notes above the 1st note. (the dominant is the 5th degree/note)

What is the dominant the key of G?

D, as this is the fifth note of the scale

Is the dominant triad always major?

No, the dominant triad is not always major. In a major key, the dominant triad is major (V chord), but in a minor key, the dominant triad is typically major (V) unless a harmonic minor scale is used, in which case it would be a major triad with a raised seventh (V7).

What is the Dominant in the C major scale?

The dominant note in any scale (major or minor) is the 5th (V) note of the scale.I - TonicII - SupertonicIII - MediantIV - Sub-DominantV - DominantVI - Sub-mediantVII - Leading tone or leading noteIn the case of C major, the dominant note is G.The dominant of C is G.

Where is e minor on a keyboard?

E, F#, G, A, B, C, D#, E (F# is the black note after F; D# is the black note after D)

What is the leading note in the key of d?

The leading tone in the key of D, whether major or minor, is C#.

What do you have to a natural minor to turn it into a melodic minor scale?

sharpen 6. and 7. note a half note in the scale ex; E minor :E F# G A B C D E E minor melodic :E F# G A B C# D# E

When do you use which chord for harmonization?

Typically, the note of the scale that you are on will be the chord that you play. 1 major 2 minor 3 minor 4 major 5 dominant seventh 6 minor 7 diminished

Which minor key has d?

A minor (no sharps/flats)The flat keys with the note D as a natural are:D minorG minorC minorF minor (melodic minor, but not included in the key signature), as is is Db.The sharp keys with D as a natural are:E minorB minor (relative minor to B major)F sharp minor