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Electric music relies on electrical signals to pass through a microphone, and amplifier to make sound. Acoustic music uses no electricity to produce sound, relying instead of echoes produced inside the instrument. Also acoustic is more hollow and electric has a sharper sound.

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Q: What is the difference between acoustic music and electric music?
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The main difference between acoustic and acoustic electric guitars is that acoustic electric guitars have a pickup installed in them so that they can be played with an amplifier. Also, they can be used to play many genres of music, while acoustic has mostly low tones.

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There is no difference in the sheet music used for electric and acoustic instruments. Both use the same sheet music so that the same notes are played and in the same way.

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Electric violins can play the same sheet music as an acoustic violin.

Can you make an acoustic into an acoustic-electric?

Yes. There are pickup kits you can buy at different music stores.

Where would you find an acoustic electric guitar?

A music store.

What is the difference between a guitar and an acoustic guitar?

There is no such thing as a "guitar". There's an acoustic guitar, electric guitar and classical guitar. They all have different sounds. Acoustics are usually for country music, electrics are usually for rock and classical guitars are specifically made for classic guitar.

Which is better acoustic or electric?

acoustic. many people will start out with an electric because it sounds "better". but it all depends on the music even though electric is easier you would want to start with a decent acoustic to make your hands stronger and to form calluses acoustic. many people will start out with an electric because it sounds "better". but it all depends on the music even though electric is easier you would want to start with a decent acoustic to make your hands stronger and to form calluses

What is acustic music?

Acoustic music is music that has no electric instruments in it.

Are all bass guitar electric?

Absolutley...You can find acoustic-electric basses in almost on-line music store, and although they're a little harder to find, acoustic basses are around.

What is the difference between Ecuadorian music and US music?

Think of traditional Ecuadorian Music as flute bands, accordions and acoustic guitars. Pop music in both countries would be quite similar though. Source Been to Ecuador

When was An Evening of Acoustic Music created?

An Evening of Acoustic Music was created in 1996.

When was Metal Acoustic Music created?

Metal Acoustic Music was created in 1981.