I think that it is safe to say that "My Girl " is the most famous song made by The Temptations.
Temptations - song - was created in 1993.
The most famous song is the most famous song.
My Girl - The Temptations song - was created on 1964-12-21.
Treat Her Like a Lady - The Temptations song - was created in 1973.
Smokey Robinson sang a song at Blue's funeral on the Temptations movie.
Temptations - song - was created in 1993.
The most famous song is the most famous song.
My Girl - The Temptations song - was created on 1964-12-21.
My Baby - The Temptations song - was created on 1965-09-30.
Treat Her Like a Lady - The Temptations song - was created in 1973.
Smokey Robinson sang a song at Blue's funeral on the Temptations movie.
In the movie there las song is My Girl and they are all in purple.
His most famous song was stunner is cool :)
John Lennon's most famous song is Imagine. It's a very famous song that he wrote.
I love that song! It is on the Phoenix Rising album
Bach's most famous song is Toccata and Fugue in D Minor.