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"Spirit in the Sky" by Norman Greenbaun.

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Q: What is the Most played song on a movie soundtrack?
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In the twilight movie Claire De Lune is played in his bedroom. The song is on the Twilight soundtrack.

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Its called Blam Blam. I dont know who it is by but it is on the soundtrack for the movie.

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It was from the movie's soundtrack.

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Hannah Montana The Movie Soundtrack, if it's the Miley Cyrus song you're refering to!

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No there is not.

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No Hallelujah was not in the movie or in the original soundtrack.

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There are many different songs entitled "Life" that have been part of movie soundtracks. For example, Swedish pop-rock singer Ana Johnsson's song "Life" was on the soundtrack of the movie "Spider-Man 2".

Which song did Mariah Carey write a soundtrack on?

She co-write with Willie Nelson the song "Right To Dream" for the soundtrack of the independent movie "Tennessee."

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