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Q: What is sharp note singing?
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How do you sin at the right pitch?

When singing it is important to sing at the right pitch. This means in the right key, on the right note and accurately. There are high ends and low ends of a note and it is important to not make the note sharp or flat by you tone.

Does the sharp go in front of the note or after?

If the note is on the bar, the sharp (or flat, or natural) goes before the note. If you are just writing the note out, the sharp goes after the note.

Is there any reason you can barely hit a note while singing if you have sharp enough ears to learn any song on guitar by ear?

it might be because your voice has changed and cannot hit the note right

What does pitchy mean?

It's a made-up word that basically means off-key. Although Randy Jackson may think it's a cool word to say, it actually has no real meaning in relation to vocal performances and is probably said to just confuse the singers. What's wrong with saying off-key, or flat, or sharp? These terms are actually more helpful than saying "pitchy" because they actually have explain why the vocal sound is not correct. Off-key means that the singer is not on the correct key that the song was composed in (for example, singing in D major when the song is in C major). Flat means that the singer did not hit the exact note, but sang a half-note or full note lower than intended note (for example, singing a F note instead of an F sharp). Sharp is the opposite, meaning that the singer sang a half-note or full note higher than the intended note (singing a C sharp instead of a C).

When singing scales in the key of C what note is TE?

when singing scales in the key of C what note is TE?

What does a sharp note look like?

i looks sharp

In f sharp major what note is Do?

F sharp.

What major scale has 7 sharps?

That would be C-sharp major. Every note is sharp.

What accidental lowers a note by one semitone?

if you are playing a brass instrument you tighten or loosen your ambocure (lips) to come out with a higher or lower note a sharp

When singing scales in the key of c what note is la?

it is the note "A".A.

When singing in scales of c what note is re?

the note of "D" :)

What are the release dates for That Sharp Note - 1916?

That Sharp Note - 1916 was released on: USA: 11 October 1916