The character's name really IS Napoleon Dynamite. The actor's name is Jon Heder.
her real name is Stacy
Her real name is Beyonce Knowles
no, not to a real person. but to a sheep its a real name.
Se7en's real name is David Gallegos, Mikl's real name is Mike, PhatJ's real name is Jason, and Antz real name is Anthony.
Will Young is his real name.
Depends on which one you are talking about, but Napoleon Bonaparte was the real Napoleon.
napoleon bonapart
His real Italian name is Napoleone di Buonaparte.
His real Italian name is Napoleone di Buonaparte.
"Fricking Idiots" as well as "Ya Sicko." Occationally he may say "Tina you fat lard."
Mullet Finger's real name is Napoleon Bridger Leep. He goes by "Mullet Finger" due to his distinct haircut.
Dhaka Dynamites was created in 2009.
He was christened Napoleone di Buonaparte.
His real birth name was Napoleone Buonaparte, a real authentic Italian name. He was born to Italian parents and lived in Corsica, but just before he was born, Corsica was annexed by France. To make his name more French sounding, he changed it to Napoleon Bonaparte.