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piccolo has a higher pitch than the Flute. Piccolo and flute have the same fingerings and notes it just sounds like the piccolo is playing a higher note but they arent

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The piccolo plays one octave higher than the flute.

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Q: Which is more high pitched piccolo or flute?
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High woodwind instrument?

Generally, the highest instrument of the woodwind group is the piccolo (flauto piccolo in Italian. It means small flute). If the piccolo is absent, the highest instrument in the woodwind group could be the Eb Clarinet (rarely, this instrument is more seldom used) or the regular flute.

What are members of the woodwind family that are not made of wood?

There are way more than three. The Flute, Harmonica, Piccolo, Recorder, Pan Flute, are a few.

What is a picalo?

A piccolo is a smaller version of the flute, when all notes played sound an octave above the notes played on the flute. For example, if you were to play the third-line B-flat on the flute and on piccolo, it would sound an ovtave higher on the piccolo than on the flute, even though they are the same note. Most (if not all) of the fingering for notes is the same on both instruments, and it is incredibly easy to switch between the two--for example, I started playing flute in 5th grade, and started playing piccolo in the 7th grade, and would bring both to concerts and practices. Depending on the song and what our conductor wanted, I would either play flute or piccolo. I have found that songs for what our school called "Pep Band" or "marching band" usually called for me to play piccolo, while more concert type peices called for flute.

What is a piccolo snare drum?

A piccolo snare is a small snare with a high-pitched sound. Ranging from 10-13 inches in diameter, and usually no more than 3 - 3 1/2 inches in depth.

What is a highest- pitched band instrument?

The highest note written for any instrument in the symphonic repertoire is a Db, just over four octaves above Middle C, for a piccolo in Mahler's second symphony. Few piccolists actually manage to produce the note. A violin can, in extreme conditions and using special techniques, reach notes that are higher still, but it is still impractical for any performance purposes. Any modern day synthesizer can electronically produce pitches above and beyond the average human hearing limit of 20,000 Hertz.

Related questions

Is piccolo good?

um well for piccolo it is a lot smaller then the flute the notes are a little diffrent it is more high pitched and if you dont wear ear plugs while playing it you can have seroius hearing dammage

Why are flutes and piccolos similar?

Flutes and piccolos are more than similar. They are both a part of the flute family. Think of the piccolo as a tiny flute replica (or a baby flute). The piccolo is made smaller than the the average concert flute so that the player can achieve higher notes with much more ease, comfort, and reliable tuning. This means that the piccolo can play some high notes that the concert flute can not play but the concert flute can play some lower notes that the piccolo can not play.

How are piccolo and flute different?

~I know a lot about both instruments because I have been fortunate enough to play both of them. I have played flute for 4 1/2 years and the piccolo for 6 months. Hope these help with your question:Similarities:~They both have the same fingerings even though one is considerably smaller than the other.~They have the same style head joint.Differences:~The flute is three pieces and the piccolo is only 2.~The piccolo is way higher pitched than the flute.~I can not even stick my pinky into the end of a piccolo and I have very small fingers.~You have to have more air support on the piccolo than you have to on the flute. You have to blow harder to get a sound out of a piccolo.Hope this helped you out!! :)

High woodwind instrument?

Generally, the highest instrument of the woodwind group is the piccolo (flauto piccolo in Italian. It means small flute). If the piccolo is absent, the highest instrument in the woodwind group could be the Eb Clarinet (rarely, this instrument is more seldom used) or the regular flute.

Which one is louder- flute or piccolo?

Well, the flute is generally quite high a reedy, but not an irritating sound, more like light, hollow tone. It's difficult to describe. When vibrato is used the tone quality has to be carefully managed so the sound comes out gentle and delicate rather than like a woodpecker.

What are members of the woodwind family that are not made of wood?

There are way more than three. The Flute, Harmonica, Piccolo, Recorder, Pan Flute, are a few.

What kinds of flutes are there?

There are primarily three main types of flutes: the concert flute, the piccolo, and the flute in the key of G. The concert flute is the most common and is used in orchestras and bands. The piccolo is a smaller, higher-pitched flute often used in marching bands. The flute in the key of G is a traditional Irish flute used in Celtic music.

What is a picalo?

A piccolo is a smaller version of the flute, when all notes played sound an octave above the notes played on the flute. For example, if you were to play the third-line B-flat on the flute and on piccolo, it would sound an ovtave higher on the piccolo than on the flute, even though they are the same note. Most (if not all) of the fingering for notes is the same on both instruments, and it is incredibly easy to switch between the two--for example, I started playing flute in 5th grade, and started playing piccolo in the 7th grade, and would bring both to concerts and practices. Depending on the song and what our conductor wanted, I would either play flute or piccolo. I have found that songs for what our school called "Pep Band" or "marching band" usually called for me to play piccolo, while more concert type peices called for flute.

What instrument in the woodwinds family is related to the flute?

a piccilo, you could also count the recorder......but they would be more related to the clarinet

What is a piccolo snare drum?

A piccolo snare is a small snare with a high-pitched sound. Ranging from 10-13 inches in diameter, and usually no more than 3 - 3 1/2 inches in depth.

What is a highest- pitched band instrument?

The highest note written for any instrument in the symphonic repertoire is a Db, just over four octaves above Middle C, for a piccolo in Mahler's second symphony. Few piccolists actually manage to produce the note. A violin can, in extreme conditions and using special techniques, reach notes that are higher still, but it is still impractical for any performance purposes. Any modern day synthesizer can electronically produce pitches above and beyond the average human hearing limit of 20,000 Hertz.

How is a piccolo played?

in the woodwind section just like the flute how do i know???? experience play in band going to play flute more info flutes and piccolos are pretty much the same thing just piccolos are smaller and more expensive!;) plus the piccolo is in the band not orchestra!!!!!!!!;) ^actually, piccolos are in orchestra. In an orchestra, there are typically 2 flutes and one piccolo player. They are not just in band.